Wednesday, March 11, 2009

No Kid's Choice Award for Chris Brown, WTF took so long?

My hat (if I was wearing one) off to you Chris Brown. Whether it was Chris Brown himself or his representation that decided to take him off the nomination for a Kids' Choice Award for Favorite Male Singer I am just happy he is off. Shame on Nickelodeon for not taking him off the list sooner.

I don't wish Chris Brown any harm. I hope he gets all the help he can afford to get his act together. What he did to Rihanna is awful and many parents out there would love to kick his ass, or worse, if he ever did the same to their daughter. Domestic violence should never be tolerated and it sucked to see so many people minimize his actions.

For many it was not about punishing him by getting him off the list. It was about having a decent role model for kids. KMA Nickelodeon for claiming to keep him on because the "kids" chose him. Grow some balls and stand up for integrity.

Although both Chris and Rihanna's roles are as entertainers they will not get a dime from parents like me if they can't be better role models to our kids. Rihanna taking him back, big mistake if that's true.

Recession. Did we do it to ourselves?

Are we to blame for the bad economy? I blame you! Yes, I said you. Bad home loans coast to coast are a big chunk and I'll talk about that in another post.


The looking for your "best" deal shopper. We would all like to get a "Good Deal" on anything we buy but have we taken it too far? If you are still lucky enough to be employed right now you don't work for free so why should retailers? What's wrong with letting businesses make a profit? Why do you think our U.S. businesses go over seas people? I try my best to spend my money locally when I can but I almost can't get away from crap "Made in ELSEWHERE".

I don't get those people who buy overpriced Starbucks and wear overpriced (over hyped) designer jeans and t-shirts but still want to comparison shop for their new cars and electronics. Auto Dealers make money on used cars and the service department, not on New Cars!

Nordstrom is not cheap but it gives great customer service. Wal-Mart is cheap and so is the service. I'm not endorsing Nordstrom nor am I bashing Wal-Mart. I am saying you get what you pay for. You don't work for free and neither should your neighbor.